Contest Winners

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Karl Strittar

Jay’s Plumbing
Congratulations to Karl Strittar from Jay’s Plumbing in Downers Grove, IL! Karl was the first of the staff to sell a Tramco sump pump. Only just FOUR days after we visited and trained them on our 400SE, did Karl make this sale. After every first training session, we start a contest up for the employees to get comfortable selling a Tramco. Because of his hard work and dedication, Karl wound up winning the prize from us! Great job by everyone & we hope to see you keep it up, Karl!


contest winner photo

Joe Sandoval

WinnerPerfect Home Services
Congratulations to Joe Sandoval from Contest WinnerPerfect Home Services! Joe had his entry selected from our drawing during the Illinois Plumbing, Heating and Cooling Expo on March 24, 2017. With correctly answering the question, “What is the warranty on a Tramco residential sump pump?” , Joe will be receiving a $100.00 check from Tramco Pump. For all of you out there – The correct answer is (10) ten years!